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Co-An Park 3rd Survey

Co-An Park is located in the heart of the McGregor community at 11071 Concession Rd 11, and is jointly owned by the Town of Amherstburg and the Town of Essex. This arrangement provides a unique opportunity to share services and costs for the eastern portion of Amherstburg and McGregor. The park is approximately 15.6 ha in size and has several sports amenities, including 6 ball diamonds, 2 tennis courts, 3 soccer fields, playground equipment, washrooms, a pavilion, canteen and picnic tables, parking, pathways, trees, benches, some lighting and signage. Another attraction in the area is the Essex Steam and Gas Museum, located in the park’s northeast quadrant.

Both municipalities are investigating opportunities to enhance this park further. Your input is greatly appreciated and will help shape the future of this park to determine site features and amenities that are needed. With the feedback collected from both municipalities, a Master Plan for the park will be developed to guide the park’s future development and growth.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.  Your comments help the town's of Amherstburg and Essex finalize the designs for Co-An Park so that they address the community needs.  It is recommended that you review the concept drawings for Co-An Park before completing the survey.  

Current conditions:

Proposed Master Plan:

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