McGregor Sewage System Upgrades

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The Town of Amherstburg, in partnership with the Town of Essex, are undertaking a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) to address the limited remaining sanitary capacity at the McGregor Lagoon Sewage Treatment Facility. The MCEA will identify and analyze feasible solutions and determine requirements to upgrade the McGregor Lagoon Sewage Treatment Facility and Collection System to allow for future development within the community of McGregor. Completion of the MCEA will consider potential impacts on all aspects of the environment and provide a plan to upgrade the treatment and collection system.

The Municipal Class EA process will allow the public, private sector stakeholders, and government agencies to assist in steering the recommended expansion opportunities in a manner that will benefit the community while fostering responsible land and service development.

During the project, we will be hosting public open houses. These events are designed to provide interested individuals with a deeper understanding of the project, an opportunity to ask questions directly to the project team, and a platform to submit their valuable feedback.

Residents can share their feedback in two ways:

1) ATTEND the Public Open Houses - PIC #1 to be held on November 26, 2024, at McGregor Community Center, 9571 Walker Road, 5:30-7:30 pm

2) EMAIL the Project Lead - feedback can be provided via email to the Project Lead for the duration of the MCEA. Click here to email.

For those who require assistance with accommodation, contact Amherstburg's Town Hall at 519-736-0012 or Essex's Town Hall at 519-776-7336.

The Town of Amherstburg, in partnership with the Town of Essex, are undertaking a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) to address the limited remaining sanitary capacity at the McGregor Lagoon Sewage Treatment Facility. The MCEA will identify and analyze feasible solutions and determine requirements to upgrade the McGregor Lagoon Sewage Treatment Facility and Collection System to allow for future development within the community of McGregor. Completion of the MCEA will consider potential impacts on all aspects of the environment and provide a plan to upgrade the treatment and collection system.

The Municipal Class EA process will allow the public, private sector stakeholders, and government agencies to assist in steering the recommended expansion opportunities in a manner that will benefit the community while fostering responsible land and service development.

During the project, we will be hosting public open houses. These events are designed to provide interested individuals with a deeper understanding of the project, an opportunity to ask questions directly to the project team, and a platform to submit their valuable feedback.

Residents can share their feedback in two ways:

1) ATTEND the Public Open Houses - PIC #1 to be held on November 26, 2024, at McGregor Community Center, 9571 Walker Road, 5:30-7:30 pm

2) EMAIL the Project Lead - feedback can be provided via email to the Project Lead for the duration of the MCEA. Click here to email.

For those who require assistance with accommodation, contact Amherstburg's Town Hall at 519-736-0012 or Essex's Town Hall at 519-776-7336.

Page last updated: 02 Dec 2024, 03:46 PM